Zhang Yufei schlief nur vier Stunden, um an der Universiade teilzunehmen, und gewann die Goldmedaille

2023-08-03 16:54

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Microsoft YaHeiHelvetica Neue

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"Helvetica Neue,"Ping Fang SC
"sie ist"Hilfe.
"Mit zwei Goldmedaillen, einer Silbermedaille und zwei Bronzemedaillen bei den Wasserschwimmweltmeisterschaften in Fukuoka meldete sich Zhang für neun Wettkämpfe bei den Spielen in Chengdu an, darunter vier Einzelwettkämpfe und fünf Staffeln, ein Beweis für ihren phänomenalen Ehrgeiz und ihre Ausdauer.Helvetica Neue","Ping Fang SC"
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Sie sagte.Helvetica Neue
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Microsoft YaHeiWährend der morgendlichen Vorläufe setzte sie eine Badekappe auf, die mit Panda-Elementen verziert war. Später, im Halbfinale über 50 m Schmetterling am Abend, trug sie einen Badeanzug, der von Chengdus entzückendem echten Riesenpanda Hua Hua inspiriert war.Helvetica Neue
meine Lieblings-Rennkleidung,
Microsoft YaHei-Benutzeroberfläche,"Microsoft YaHei"AuchAls Fan von scharfem Essen fügte Zhang hinzu, dass sie es kaum erwarten könne, nach dem Wettbewerb Chengdus typischen Eintopf zu probieren.
Reporter: Li Yingxue
"I hope to win all the gold medals in the individual events and work together with my teammates for more medals in the relay races," she said.
She said she was treating the Chengdu games as an opportunity to practice as she aims to improve the record she set at the worlds at next month's Hangzhou Asian Games.
"I will participate in many events in preparation for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games next year, and I hope I'll get used to competing in multiple events at tightly scheduled international competitions," she said.
A huge panda fan, it was no surprise to see Zhang proudly displaying panda-themed accessories on her clothes as she emerged from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport on Tuesday morning.
Even when the competition began, she continued to showcase her affection for the national treasure, which is the mascot for the games in the form of the cute and cuddly figure named Rongbao.
During the morning heats, she donned a swim cap adorned with panda elements. Later, in the evening's 50m butterfly semifinals, she wore a swimsuit inspired by Chengdu's adorable real-life giant panda Hua Hua.
"It's my favorite racing attire," Zhang said. "Giant pandas are incredibly cute, and I really hope to visit Hua Hua and take a photo together."
Also a fan of spicy food, Zhang added that she was raring to try Chengdu's signature hotpot after the competition.
Reporter:  Li Yingxue

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